Address: Baturynska Str., 25.

Funds for school construction was collected by subscription since 1883.

In 1900, the city administration bought three adjacent undeveloped plots of land with an area of 4,550 square meters from Andrii Kvitka and his wife Varvara Dmitrivna for 12 thousand rubles with installments for 10 years without interest.

Only in 1906-1907, according to the project of B. Kornіyenko, the building was built. It housed 4 schools at the same time: No. 6 named after M. Skobelev, No. 14 named after K. Ushinsky, No. 16 named after Suvorov and the 27th church and parish school.

By the end of 1914, all 4 schools were part of the 4th complex city school named after Ushinsky. In the same year, another floor was added to the building according to the project of the architect I. Linnyk.

Then the Baturyn college was located in this building. In 1928 the school became a 7-year studying-school. According to graduates boys and girls studied on different floors. In 1941-1943 German hospital was located here.

Two Russian rocket attacks on a fire station near the school in March 2022 severely damaged the school building.

